
Training in Compassion 6: Be a Child of Illusion

Spiritual practice requires a certain degree of childlike innocence -- of accepting what seem to be "illusions." Here are some attitudes, hopes, and beliefs that many people regard as illusions:
  • Radical transformation is possible.
  • The world can be suffused with love.
  • One can enjoy a measure of happiness and peace in the crazy world we live in.
Be a child of such "illusion"!

Being a child of illusion doesn't mean that you ignore the more difficult side of life and of humanity. It just means that you don't have to let that side completely colonize your mind and heart.

Why not have, along with our appropriate adult perspective, a child's-eye view of the world? After all, we have been practicing seeing everything as a dream, examining unborn awareness, and resting in the openness of mind.

To be a child of illusion is to take those practices into everyday life and introduce an element of childlike delight. You can stop every now and then and look out the window. Whatever you see, take it in for a moment with wonder. That person in your life who has been giving you a hard time: as you are talking to her and looking at her, notice her eyes and ears and nose and marvel at them.

Conventional reality is not the only reality. It is an important reality, and we have to deal with it. But it is not the only reality, and thinking it is only hems us in, imprisons and confines us. Being a child of illusion -- together with "see everything as a dream," "examine the nature of awareness," "don't get stuck on peace," and "rest in the openness of mind" -- expands and smooths the space we are living in, breaking down the walls we've been putting up for so long.

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For more detail on this spiritual practice, see this longer version here.

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