


Dec 1. Awe and Wonder
Nov 24. There Is No God and She Is Always With You
Nov 17. Pardon, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation
Sep 29. Repentance and Repair
Sep 22. God the Adjective
Sep 15. Theological Hospitality
Sep 8. Gathering In
Sep 1. Labor Day Lessons About Hospitality
Jun 16.
Jun 9. "Why We Welcome"
Jun 2. "Active Hope"
May 26. "Dharma Blossoms"
May 19. "Courageous Facing"
May 5. "Courage"
Apr 28. "Passover Lessons"
Apr 21. "Earth Day"
Apr 14. "Love and Ethics"
Mar 31. "Unitarian Easter"
Mar 24. "How We Feel"
Mar 17. "The Ontological, the Semantic, and the Tribal"
Mar 10. "Who Are We Now"
Mar 3. "Choose Abundance"
Feb 25. "Believing, Really Believing, and Talking to Your Car"
Feb 18. "Blessing"
Feb 11. "Merit"
Feb 4. "The Spiritual Impact of Inequality"
Jan 28. "Liberty, Justice, and Sexual Ethics"
Jan 21. "Queer Theory"
Jan 14. "Seeing Race"
Jan 7. "Opening to Pluralism"


Dec 10. "Receptivity"
Dec 3. "What's Your Great Vow?"
Nov 19. "The Thanksgiving Story, Amended"
Nov 12. "Trust"
Nov 5. "Interdependence"
Oct 29. "What is Growing Spiritually?"
Oct 22. "Not Such a Bad Species"
Oct 15. "Justice v. Mercy"
Oct 1. "Justice"
Sep 24. "What is Growing Ethically?"
Sep 17. "Being a People of Covenant"
Sep 10. "Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss"


Video: THE LIBERAL PULPIT youtube channel is HERE.


Jul 2. "Where Do We Come From?"
Jun 4. "Shadow"
May 28. "Astrotheology"
May 21. "Transitions"
Apr 30. "Commensality"
Apr 16. "What Evil Is"
Apr 9. "Absent Presences: Easter and Passover"
Mar 26. "The Importance of Vow"
Feb 12. "Know Thyself"
Feb 5. "Cultivating Ourselves"
Jan 29. "Our Road to Multiculturalism"
Jan 15. "Only Love"


Oct 16. "Desert Theory"
Apr 17. "Easter! Passover! Ramadan! Liberation!" (2 parts)
Apr 10. "Palm to Palm (A Palm Sunday Sermon)" (2 parts)
Mar 27. "Biology and Spirituality" (2 parts)
Mar 20. "What We Merit" (2 parts)
Mar 6. "Humility" (2 parts)
Feb 20. "Chimp Lessons" (2 parts)
Feb 6. "Desire" (2 parts)


Dec 19. "Dickens' Carol" (2 parts)
Dec 12. "Blessing" (2 parts)
Dec 5. "Not Such a Bad Species" (2 parts)
Nov 21. "Gratitude, Grace, and Grief" (2 parts)
Nov 14. "Reconsidering Rationality" (2 parts)
Nov 7. "Wholeness" (2 parts)
Oct 31. "Samhain Reflection"
Oct 24. "Thank God for LGBTQ Folk" (2 parts)
Oct 17. "A Covenantal People" (2 parts)
Oct 3. "Wonder" (2 parts)
May 16. "Repairing" (2 parts)
May 9. "What Do I Need?" (2 parts)
May 2. "Healing" (2 parts)
Apr 25. "More Hope, Vigor, and Strength" (2 parts)
Apr 18. "Breathe" (2 parts)
Apr 11. "Attain the Good You Will Not Attain" (2 parts)
Apr 4. "Ordinary Easter" (2 parts)
Mar 28. "Trust" (2 parts)
Mar 21. "Hypocrites!" (2 parts)
Mar 7. "Integrity" (2 parts)
Feb 28. "Ending the Pursuit of Happiness" (2 parts)
Feb 21. "How Are You Feeling?" (2 parts)
Jan 31. "The Longing for Belonging" (2 parts)


Dec 13. "Principles and Promises" (2 parts)
Nov 15. "Joseph and the Way of Forgiveness" (4 parts)
Sep 27. "Make it RAIN"
Jul 26. "Widening the Circle of Concern"
Jun 14. "Just Love"
Jun 7. "Vision"
May 31. "Presence in the Midst of Crisis"
May 10. "There Is No Try"
May 3. "Transforming Your Inner Critic"
Apr 26. "Attending to the Indigenous Voice"
Apr 19. "What's Your Great Vow?"
Apr 12. "Traditions of Liberation: Passover & Easter"
Apr 5. "Taking Care. Giving Care."


Sep 15. "Climate Strike!" (4 parts)
Aug 18. "Things Get Difficult Sometimes (We Need a Tribe)"
Jun 9. "Crossing the Line" (2 parts)
Apr 21. "Easter: Whose Jesus?"
Apr 7. "Renewal Happens" (2 parts)
Mar 10. "Hope Amid Despair"
Mar 3. "Humility"
Feb 24. "The Uses of Anger -- And the Manipulations"
Feb 17. "What Do You Want to Want?"
Feb 10. "Grief Amid Denial" (2 parts) VIDEO
Feb 3. "Creature Comforts" VIDEO
Jan 27. "God is Not One" VIDEO
Jan 20. "What is 'White Culture'?" VIDEO
Jan 13: Question Box (Video Only)
Jan 6. "Simplicity" (3 parts) VIDEO


Dec 23. "Reality Amid Ideology" (3 parts)
Dec 9. "Justice on Earth" (3 parts) VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2
Dec 2. "Three Curiosities" (3 parts) VIDEO
Nov 18. "Thanksgiving: A Parliamentary Tale" (1 part) VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2
Nov 11. "Welcome the Stranger" (3 parts) VIDEO
Nov 4. "Why We Vote and Why We Don't" (3 parts) VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2
Oct 28. All Hallow's Eve VIDEO
Oct 21. "Holy Anger" (3 parts)
Oct 14. "Learning to Love Diversity" (3 parts) VIDEO
Oct 7. "Discovering America" (3 parts) VIDEO
Sep 30. "The American Idea" (3 parts) VIDEO
Sep 23. "Forgiveness. Kavanaugh. Also Cowbirds." VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2
Sep 16. "Living Your Faith" (3 parts) VIDEO
Aug 19. "Poetry Celebration: Nikki Giovanni" (3 parts)
Aug 12. "Truth, Who Needs It?" (3 parts)
Jun 17. "Ministry & Metanoia" (5 parts) VIDEO
Jun 3. "Immigration" (3 parts) VIDEO, YENCY STORY
May 27. "LGBTQ: Language and Justice" (3 parts) VIDEO
Apr 29. "Truth?" (3 parts) VIDEO
Apr 22. "Earth Day Attention" (1 part) VIDEO
Apr 1. "April Fools' Easter: Foolishness and Salvation" (3 parts) VIDEO
Mar 25. "Daring Democracy" (3 parts) VIDEO
Mar 11. "Wandering" (3 parts) VIDEO
Mar 4. "Theology of Money" (3 parts) VIDEO
Feb 25. "On Being Animal" (3 parts) VIDEO
Feb 18. "The Spiritual Bypass" (Video: INVOCATION, READING, SERMON)
Feb 11. "Love and Desire" (3 parts). VIDEO
Feb 4. "All You Need Is Love" (3 parts). VIDEO
Jan 28. "Reduce Waste" (3 parts)
Jan 21. "Radical Hospitality and Race" (2 parts)
Jan 14. Guest Preaching by Rev. LoraKim Joyner. Sermon posted HERE.
Jan 7. "Resilience" (3 parts)


Dec 31. "Questions" (1 part)
Dec 10. "Embodiment" (3 parts)
Nov 26. "Who Are These People?" (3 parts)
Nov 12. "Income Inequality" (3 parts)
Nov 5. "The Mindfulness Fad" (3 parts)
Oct 29. "Witches" (2 parts)
Oct 22. "Environmental Racism" (2 parts)
Oct 15. "What Other People Think" (3 parts)
Oct 1. "Yay! Death!" (3 parts)
Sep 24. "Yom Kippur" (3 parts)
Sep 17. "Forgiveness: When and When Not" (3 parts)
Aug 27. "Poetry Celebration: Felinghetti" (3 parts)
Aug 20. "Moral Psychology" (3 parts)
Jun 18. "Freedom" (3 parts)
May 28. "The Fire of Commitment" (2 parts)
May 21. "White Supremacy" (3 parts)
May 14. "Joy" (3 parts)
Apr 30. "The Corruption of Our Democracy" (3 parts)
Apr 23. "Earth Day" (2 parts)
Apr 16. "There's Something About Mary" (3 parts) +  Passover Reflection (1 part)
Apr 9. "Going Home" (Play for the Animal Blessing Service) (1 part)
Apr 2. "Stewardship" (3 parts)
Mar 26. "The Third Reconstruction" (3 parts)
Mar 12. "The Blues" (3 parts)
Mar 5. "Scared" (2 parts)
Feb 26. "Mercy Sakes!" (3 parts)
Feb. 19. "Church! Huh! What Is It Good For?" (3 parts)
Feb 5. "The Desertless Life" (3 parts)
Jan 29. "Grace" (3 parts)
Jan 22. "Spirituality of Evolution" (3 parts)
Jan 15. "What Do We Do Now, Dr. King?" (3 parts)
Jan 8. "Mystery" (3 parts)


Dec 11. "God the Adjective" (3 parts)
Dec 4. "God the Verb" (3 parts)
Nov 13. "Liberal Entitlement" (4 parts)
Nov 6. "Evil and Hope" (2 parts)
Oct 16. "On Being a UU Buddhist" (3 parts)
Oct 9. "Cultivating Awe" (3 parts)
Oct 2. "Why Is There Awe?" (3 parts)
Sep 25. "Tribe" (3 parts)
Sep 18. "Covenant" (3 parts)
Sep 4. "Going Into Labor" (3 parts)
Aug 28. "Celebrating Rumi" (2 parts)
Aug 21. "Attain the Good You Will Not Attain" (3 parts)
Jun 12. "The Future Will Judge Us" (3 parts)
Jun 5. "Complexity or Simplicity?" (3 parts)
May 29. "The Gift to be Simple" (3 parts)
May 15. "The Fourth P" (1 part)
May 8. "Bless the World" (3 parts)
May 1. "Beltane and Flower Communion" (1 part)
Apr 24. "What Is Blessing?" (2 parts)
Apr 3. "The Paradox of Generosity" (3 parts)
Mar 27. "Jesus, Zombies, and the Half-Way House of Reason" (3 parts)
Mar 20. "Liberation" (3 parts)
Feb 28. "BLM & UU" (3 parts)
Feb 21. "Desiring Music" (3 parts)
Feb 14. "Desire" (3 parts)
Feb 7. "It Must Be Said (Black Lives Matter II)" (1 part)
Jan 24. "Black Lives Matter I" (1 part)
Jan 17. "Just Mercy" (4 parts)
Jan 10. "Acceptance and Resistance" (3 parts)
Jan 3. "Welcome to Resistance" (3 parts)


Dec 13. "A Hanukkah for Letting Go of Opinions" (3 parts)
Dec 6. "Letting Go" (3 parts)
Nov 8. "Radical Hospitality" (3 parts)
Oct 25. "Timshel: Thou Mayest" (3 parts)
Oct 4. "Wonder of Wonders" (3 parts)
Sep 27. (in Albany) "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Spirituality" (3 parts)
Sep 20. "Renewal" (3 parts)
Aug. 30. "Poems, Prayers, and Mary Oliver" (1 part) (On TV)
Aug 23. "The Arc of the Moral Universe" (3 parts) (On TV: part 1) (On TV: part 2)
Jun 14. "UU Buddhism" (3 parts)
Jun 7. "Mindfulness" (3 parts)
May 24. "War, Peace, and Remembering" (2 parts) (Printable PDF) (On TV)
May 17. "Queer Theory" (3 parts) (Printable PDF) (On TV)
May 10. "Direct Experience of Transcending Mystery and Wonder" (3 parts) (Printable PDF) (On TV)
Apr 26. "Job and Transcendence" (3 parts)
Apr 19. "The Call to Simplicity" (3 parts)
Apr 12. "Transformation of Self and World" (1 part)
Apr 5. "Easter and Transformation" (2 parts)
Mar 29. "One Hundred Years from Now" (Delivered at Mohegan Lake)(3 parts)
Mar 15. "The Shadow's Gift" (1 part)
Mar 8. "Broken Open" (4 parts)
Mar 1. "The Spiritual Practice of Generosity" (4 parts)
Feb 15. "Instead of Guilt" (4 parts)
Feb 1. "What's Love Got to Do With It?" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Jan 25. "Welcome to Liberal Religion" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Jan 18. "The Spirit of Truth" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE. (Printable PDF) (On TV)
Jan 11. "Income Inequality" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Jan 4. "Service to Transform" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.


Dec 14. "Hope" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Nov 9. "Forgiveness" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Oct 19. "Gratitude and Its Expression" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Oct 12. "Expanding the Circle" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Oct 5. "Making Friends with Death" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Sep 28. "Reclaiming Prophetic Witness" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Sep 14. "Faith Like a Chalice" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Aug 24. "On the Road" (4 parts)
Aug 10. "Boxes Too Small" (4 parts)
Jun 22. "Intercultural Sensitivity is Hard!" (5 parts)
Jun 15. "Father Earth" (5 parts)
Jun 1. "Happy" (4 parts)
May 11. "Feminist Theology" (4 parts)
May 4. "Mercy v. Justice: When Virtues Collide" (4 parts)
Apr 20. "Easter: The Meadow For Metaphor" (5 parts)
Apr 13. "Freedom: The Half-Won Blessing" (5 parts)
Apr 6. "Congregation-Based Community Organizing" (1 part)
Mar 30. "Friends Along the Path" (4 parts)
Mar 16. "Diremption Redemption" (4 parts)
Mar 9. "The Myth of Scarcity" (5 parts)
Feb 23. "The Natural and Religious History of Compassion" (5 parts)
Feb 9. "The Meaning of Membership" (4 parts)
Feb 2. "Who's In Charge Here?" (4 parts)
Jan 26. "Behind the Kitchen Door" (4 parts)
Jan 19. "Nonviolent Social Change" (3 parts)
Jan 12. "The Ecospiritual Challenge" (4 parts)
Jan 5. "The Ecospiritual Imperative" (5 parts)


Dec 22. "How Unitarians Invented Christmas" (1 part)
Dec 8. "There is No God and She Is Always With You" (3 parts)
Dec 1. "Respond to WHOSE Love?" (4 parts)
Nov 17. "Spiritual Practice" (4 parts)
Nov 10. "Democracy and the Meaning of Life" (4 parts)
Nov 3. "The Interdependent Web of Covenant" (3 parts) AUDIO HERE.
Oct 27. "Why Not Be Evil?" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Oct 20. "Wicked" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Oct 6. "Evil and Sociopathy" (4 parts). AUDIO HERE.
Sep 22. "Vocation: Who Are You?" (5 parts) (On TV)
Sep 15. "Mission: Possible" (5 parts) (Printable PDF)
Aug 25. "Beatnik Celebration" (4 parts) (Printable PDF) (On TV)
Aug 18. "What Is Liberal Religion?" (5 parts) (Printable PDF) (On TV)
Aug 4. "Anti-Barbies" (4 parts) (Printable PDF) (On TV)
May 5. "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Spirituality" (6 parts) (Printable PDF) (On TV)
Apr 28. "Blessed Affliction" (4 parts) (Printable PDF) (On TV)

For older sermons, 2006-2013, from Gainesville, FL, SEE HERE.

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